My Java-programs can work on the different operating systems (Windows, Linux, etc). To run a program you need to have installed Java-machine (JRE or SDK) version 1.4 and higher (the latest recommended). Also you can use a method to create a portable Java-machine. Then all the programs can be carried on the removable devices (USB HDD or a flash drive) and can be run everywhere. For example an e-mail client OlivaMail. You can work with your e-mail at home and at work.
      All the programs are built on one princip. The core functionallity of the programs is 100% Java. Native OS libraries (.DLL for Windows or .so for UNIX/Linux) can be used to provide enhanced functionality. And if any — they are third-party libraries. Programs are written using Eclipse SDK, and the latest programs using NetBeans IDE. After build in Eclipse I run command file to make a JAR archive.

      Typical command file is:

set PRJNAME=sb-bimg
set DESTDIR=\Sergey\sb\sb-bimg\
set BINDIR=sb
REM d:
cd \Sergey\om\workspace\%PRJNAME%\bin
\JDK\bin\jar -cvfm %DESTDIR%\lib\%PRJNAME%.jar MANIFEST.MF  %BINDIR%
copy strings*.properties %DESTDIR%\conf\
      All the JAR archives contain the MANIFEST file, which points to the main java class to run. Id est any program can be run at least by two way:
java -cp .\lib\om-gui.jar olivamail.gui.Client
java -jar .\lib\om-gui.jar
      For the convenience the command file is provided in which specified the different options such as default codepage or a max java heap size:
\JDK\bin\java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xmx256m -jar .\lib\om-gui.jar
      If java (java.exe) command cannot be found then the full path can be specified:
C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xmx256m -jar .\lib\om-gui.jar